Official Content

Automatic translation is a process carried out at specification time that changes every String constant (see exceptions below) into its translated counterpart (static translation) or into an automatically generated message identifier reference (run-time translation). Message identifier references are resolved at run-time by the generated code.

How is automatic translation activated? At the Environment level, select the proper value for the Translation type instead of "No translations" value.

What is translated?

The automatic translation process translates every String constant that appears in your GeneXus code. Exceptions are:

The translation cycle

When the automatic translation is activated, GeneXus automatically builds a list of String constants used in your GeneXus code as objects are specified.

Once the above list is complete and translated into any required language, your application is also translated.

The steps required to translate your application are:

  1. Set the Translation type property to either Static or Run-time.
  2. Select a predefined Language object (in the Localization node in the KB Explorer) or create a new one for the target language you want your application to be translated into. Note that the Is Right To Left property must be set to define languages read Right-to-Left .
  3. Specify the entire application. This way, all strings to be translated are created in the Language objects and are ready for translation.
  4. Translate every String constant into the target language. (You can use GeneXus Translation Tool)
  5. If you selected Run-time translation, just add a SetLanguage function call to your code, specify, generate and... translate.
  6. If you selected Static translation you must select the Language in the Translate to language Environment property, specify, generate and... translate.

See also

Kb Language property
Translation type property
Translate to language property
Environment Preferences
Autoresize form controls property

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