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Consider a university web site where students may enroll in different courses. There's a grid in the form which loads all the available courses, and another one where the student may drop the courses he/she wants to enroll in.


1. We have two grids in the form:

  • "Courses" grid: variables &CourseId, &CourseDescription
  • "Enroll" grid: variables &CourseIdEnroll, &CourseDescriptionEnroll

2. The "Courses" grid has the "Allow Drag" property set to TRUE:


3. The "Drop" event for the "Enroll" grid is the following.

Note that the "in" parameters of this event are &CourseId and &CourseDescription, the same variables loaded by the "Courses" grid.

Event Enroll.Drop(&CourseId, &CourseDescription)
    for each line in Enroll
        Enroll.Load() //reload the preexisting lines

    &CourseIdEnroll = &CourseId
    &CourseDescriptionEnroll = &CourseDescription
    Enroll.Load() //loads the new line added by the Drop
Related links: Developing Drag and Drop in Web Panels

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