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There are different types of authentication you can choose for applications that use GeneXus Access Manager (GAM).

Authentication Types can be defined using GAM Backoffice, or just using the GAM API in any object. See Figure 1 where the "Work With Authentication Types" Web Panel is shown.

Authentication types v18
Figure 1.

Available Authentication Types

Local Authentication Type User credentials are stored in GAM database repository.
Facebook Authentication Type Authentication is done using Facebook.
External Authentication Type:

In the case of an External Web service, authentication is done through any SOAP web service which applies to some standards and has to be declared in the Authentication Type configuration, specifying its location, and other useful information to connect to it.

In the case of Custom, the authentication is done using any external program, which has to apply to some standards in the input and output parameters.

Twitter Authentication Type Authentication is done using Twitter.
Google Authentication Type Authentication is done using Google.
GAMRemote Authentication Type Authentication is done using another GAM application. Only GeneXus Evolution 3.
OAuth 2.0 Authentication Type Authentication is done using any OAuth 2.0 provider.


See Also

GAM Repository: Default Authentication Type property


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