Official Content

This document describes the typographic conventions used in the GeneXus documentation.

The syntax is the order and the way in which you must type a command line, command or utility name, and any arguments and options that follow it.

Below is the meaning of some syntax elements:

Example Meaning
Name Specifies the name of the command, method, function, rule, etc. Words and symbols that you are instructed to type appear in bold.
[ ] Indicates optional items. You only have to type the information within the square brackets.
... Indicates that the items to the left can be repeated multiple times on a command line. You just have to type the information, not the ellipses (...).
A1, ..., AN

Two characters separated by ellipsis means the choice of any character or characters in the given range (inclusive). You just have to type the information, not the ellipses (...).

'['    ']'   '{'  '}'  In those cases where the language itself contains the [ ] or { } symbol, to distinguish them, the symbol in the language is in bold and between simple quotation marks. 
| Separates two or more mutually exclusive elements in a syntax line. You have to enter one of these choices, not the symbol.
<Arguments> Indicates a name or other information that you must provide, such as a path and file name. Letters in italics indicate placeholders for the information you supply.
&var Indicates a variable name. In the syntax, variable names are preceded by the ‘&’ symbol.
parm1, …, parmN Indicates the name of the parameter, and it is defined without bold style.



  • All elements in bold are considered a necessary part of the syntax. The elements in bold indicate that you must type them in the syntax line exactly as they appear.
  • The elements in italics are placeholders representing information that you must supply.


Read the syntax sections of the following articles:

Execute method
Day method

See Also

GeneXus reserved words

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